Thursday, May 13, 2010

Placement Panic!

To return to the present from my reminiscing about the recent and arduous past, I'd like to expel a little bit of pressure buildup in the form of a warm and gassy blog post. Right now, myself and hundreds of other new JETs are waiting with forced patience to find out about our placement, or the details of our near-future lives in Japan. The program states that this information generally comes around June, but word on the street seems to have it that we could hear back any day. Needless to say I'm fairly exploding at the seams waiting to hear. One prefecture actually jumped the gun this year and informed its applicants early, and some of the departing JETs have taken the liberty of contacting their replacements already. Neither has happened to me, because I have rotten luck.

Hopefully within a week or so, the general announcement will go out and people will starting getting their information officially. At this point, I will most likely hole up on my laptop and do as much research as I can about my particular rice paddy because I really am in dire need of ways to pass the time.

Until then, I guess it's back to studying. So many kanji characters, so little time.

1 comment:

  1. good luck finding your perfect waifu by the ice locked seas
