I don't consider myself to be someone who maintains a particularly large wardrobe, but it sure is big enough to not fit in here. More importantly, my books, movies, and CDs are most definitely not getting in there. Tragic.
The day is fast approaching when I leave - nine days from today until I'm in Chicago. I almost miss the days of endless complaints about the endless length of June and July... almost. Most of the preparations are complete; tonight's packing is merely a mock-up so I know what I need to give away, donate, or store. I also have to go through my backlog of pictures to process; this will be done at some point before I leave. Also remaining is getting yen, and getting as much money as I can to convert into yen. Will there be a period of time of hilarious destitution after I move? Most likely!
Stay tuned for updates as the big day approaches. As a final note, as I am packing I have realized that I don't possess a pair of lucky underpants. I really feel that this is something I should have at this point in my life. Whatever I wore to the interview is probably a good bet, but I don't remember what that was. Any suggestions to remedy this situation would be welcome.
I'm glad I read this.
ReplyDeleteI too, don't have a pair of lucky underpants. I mean, I'm not accepted to Jet (nor have I even applied yet, as it's too early), but it's never too early to start finding some lucky underpants.
I don't want to be ready to go come July (if I get in) and not have any lucky underpants. D: