Today's update is actually from this week. At long last, I've got a car! I present the Daihatsu Opti, on a rare clear day:

I picked up this bad girl two days ago for a great price, and it's been quite fun tooling around in. The universal comment I get is "It's so cute!" Look at the size of those little wheels! In Japan, cars are classified as "Light" (yellow plate) and "Regular" (white plate) vehicles. The classification is mostly based on engine displacement, along with a few other restrictions. Light cars, like mine, have several fees lowered and bureaucratic hoops removed to encourage people to drive them. This is great! The downside is that they are clown cars. I can fit in just fine, and I can fit one other person of not-exceptional height, but anybody in the back seat is going to have to get comfortable with new methods of folding themselves. They can consider it a cultural experience.
I'll be taking her out for out first road trip this weekend, to go volunteer at a kids haunted house a few hours away. I will try to get pictures, as well as post later about the Halloween experiences I've already had in the last week or so.
As for the weather, it's been getting quite cold, in addition to a pretty dismal amount of rain. We had some snow a while back, but nothing that stuck; further inland, however, there's a good deal of snow on the ground. Winter is on it's way!
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